27 Recipes
Seafood Chirashi-zushi
Shiitake Yaki Onigiri (Grilled Riceball)
Vegan Shiitake Sushi
Japanese Mixed Rice with Simmered Shiitake
Making Delicious Sushi Rice the Easy Way on a Wooden Cutting Board
Flavourful seasoned rice with carrots
Baby Sardines Fried Rice Packed with the Umami taste of Shiitake powder
Delicious fried rice with braised Shiitake
Adorable Shiitake Mushroom Sushi
Gomoku Inari Sushi (sushi wrapped in seasoned fried tofu pockets)
Horse Mackerel Kabayaki on Rice Packed with Umami Taste of Shiitake Powder
Shiitake Gukbap
Chirashi-zushi with Shiitake
Curried takikomi rice with Shiitake powder
Roasted soybean rice with Shiitake powder
Furikake (seasoning for rice)
Shiitake Porridge
Shiitake Curry
Shiitake Rice