18 Recipes
Quick and easy rehydration for dried Shiitake
Authentic Gourmet Vegan Udon Noodles
Delicious shiitake stock using shiitake stems
Flavourful seasoned rice with carrots
Purple pickles with shiitake stock
Delicious miso soup with shiitake stock
Braised Daikon and Bacon with Sake lees
Umami booster! Shiitake stock ice cubes
How to Rehydrate Dried Shiitake Mushrooms for Maximum Flavor
How to use Shiitake stems in the tastiest way possible
Shiitake Banh xeo (Sizzling Pancake)
Pienro with the finest Dashi broth
Shojin Dashi (Vegetable Broth)
Warming Shiitake Soups
Shiitake Curry
Spicy Dry Curry with Shiitake
Donko Shiitake Dashi broth Egg Roll (Japanese omelet)
Fried Shiitake and tofu with egg