Quick and easy rehydration for dried Shiitake

Easy way to rehydrate dried Shiitake mushroom Koshin. This method for rehydrating Shiitake is so easy you can do it while you’re chopping other ingredients. Rehydrating with cold water will give Shiitake a better flavor than with hot water. (For thicker Donko shiitake, you should let them soak slowly overnight.)

Ingredients (20 min)

  • Dried Shiitake mushroom
  • Water



Snap off the stem of a thin-capped shiitake mushroom.

Place it cap-down in water.Submerge the shiitake evenly by resting a piece of food wrap directly on them in the water.

After 5 to 10 minutes, cut the shiitake in half with a knife.Cut off the remaining stem.Water will soak into the shiitake quickly from the freshly cut surfaces.

If it is soft enough, you can go ahead and cut the shiitake to your desired shape.The smaller it is cut, the faster it will return to its original texture.

When the shiitake has been submerged for about 20 minutes, it's ready for use in cooking. (For thicker Donko shiitake, you should let them soak slowly overnight.)


The snapped stems can be saved and used like a bay leaf. Simply add the dried stems to the dish at the preparation stage and remove them when the dish is cooked, and the Guanylate in Shiitake will make the entire dish even tastier.

How to Rehydrate Dried Shiitake Mushrooms for Maximum Flavor

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