239 Recipes
Shiitake Bacon
Vegan Shiitake Sushi
Delicious Chawanmushi with shiitake (Japanese steamed egg pudding)
Rehydrating dried shiitake mushrooms to Super-plump.
Gyoza with extra shiitake & garlic.
Delicious Zoni with dried Shiitake
Flavourful seasoned rice with carrots
Purple pickles with shiitake stock
Braised Daikon and Bacon with Sake lees
Delicious miso soup with shiitake stock
Delicious shiitake stock using shiitake stems
Pienro with the finest Dashi broth
Shiitake powder transforms salted mackerel into something greasy and wonderful!
Edamame with Shiitake powder for a deliciously low-sodium taste
Vegetarian Shiitake Keema Curry
Vegan Meat Taste Samosas
Delicious Palak Paneer with Shiitake Powder
Chikuzen-ni with Dried Vegetables
Meatless Keema Curry