Simmered Shiitake and Root Vegetables

Root vegetables warm you up. This nimono dish is perfect for the cold winter months.

Ingredients (4 servings)

  • 8 dried Shiitake mushrooms
  • 6 Taro roots
  • 130g Lotus root
  • 1 Medium carrot
  • 1 Dashi broth packet
  • 300ml dried Shiitake liquid
  • 300ml Water
  • 1 Tbsp Sugar -A
  • 1 Tbsp Mirin -A
  • 2 Tbsp Light soy sauce-A


Rehydrate the dried Shiitake mushrooms and cut off stems. Parboil the taro roots to remove the sliminess, and cut the lotus root and carrot into rounds.
Add the Dashi broth packet, reserved liquid, water, Shiitake, lotus root, taro root, and carrot to the pot, put it on the heat, let it come to a boil, and remove the Dashi broth packet after 2 minutes.
Add the seasonings marked with A, and simmer at low to medium heat for 30 minutes.


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