Delicious Caponata with Shiitake Powder

The refreshing tartness pairs perfectly with win! Guanylic acid is a distinctive flavor compound of dried Shiitake mushrooms, and it also amps up the Umami taste of other ingredients, so it’s a wonderful addition to vegan dishes. If the moisture seems insufficient after a can of whole tomatoes, add in the water you soaked the Shiitake powder in little by little until the consistency is just right. Zen monks found Forest-grown Shiitake is the best Umami enhancer for Vegan Cuisine more than 1000-years ago in Japan. The drying and rehydrating process of Shiitake produces "Guanylate," a natural Umami energizer. Guanylate amplifies the Umami taste of all foods. Unlike Dried Porcini, Shiitake can enhance the Umami taste of your cooking without adding a mushroom flavor. Tips and tricks: Adding a little water to Shiitake powder and waiting 10 minutes before using, maximizes 3x the Umami Flavor! One dry Tbsp equals one pre-soaked tsp, the same Umami boosting power. The drying and rehydrating process of Shiitake produces "Guanylate," a natural Umami energizer. Guanylate amplifies the Umami taste of all foods. Forest-grown Japanese Shiitake Powder 40g, Natural Umami Booster

Ingredients (4 people) (50 mins)

  • 4 (280 g) eggplants
  • 1/2(100 g) onion
  • 1(150 g) yellow bell pepper
  • 1/2 stalk(50 g) celery
  • 8(40 g) shishito peppers
  • 1 clove garlic (minced)
  • 6 Tbsp olive oil
  • 1 can tomatoes (whole)
  • 1 Tbsp capers
  • 5 green olives
  • 1 Tbsp pine nuts
  • 1 Tbsp raisins (rehydrated in water)
  • 2 tsp white sugar
  • 2 Tbsp white wine vinegar
  • 1 Tbsp soy sauce
  • to taste Salt and pepper
  • to taste Basil leaves to taste
  • 1 Tbsp Shiitake powder


Chop the eggplants, onion, bell pepper, and celery into small cubes. Chop off the hard tops of the shishito peppers and cut them into pieces the same size as the other vegetables.
Cut the green olives into thin slices and lightly roast the pine nuts.
Head the olive oil and garlic in a pot until fragrant, then add the chopped eggplant.
When the skins turn vivid and soften, add the onion, bell pepper, celery, and Shishito peppers and saute everything together.
Add the Shiitake powder, mix, cover, reduce heat to low, and simmer and steam for 10 minutes.
Crush and add the canned tomatoes, followed by the olives, raisins, pine nuts, sugar, white wine vinegar, and soy sauce, return the lid, and simmer for 10 minutes.
Season with salt and pepper, serve, and garnish with basil leaves.


dding a little shiitake powder to your meals boosts the natural umami flavor. At the same time, the saltiness will rise and enable you to automatically lower your salt intake.

Our Shiitake Powder Amps Up the Natural Taste of Food - without adding another layer of taste.

Forest-grown Shiitake Powder

Shiitake powder boosts each meat, fish, and vegetable's umami taste.

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